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If you have visited recently, you’ve seen the news about Equifax’s cyber security data breach affecting over half the U.S. population.

While such a huge breach like this may seem daunting and scary, we at Arrow Payments prefer to take a more proactive approach to your personal & business’ cyber security.

Here is everything you need to know about the Equifax data breach:

Who did it effect?

Equifax states that this incident affects approximately 143 million U.S. consumers.

What information was accessed?

Mainly consumer’s names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and, driver’s license numbers. Credit card numbers were accessed for 209,000 U.S. consumers, and certain dispute documents with personal identifying information for approximately were accessed for 182,000 people.

How do I know if I am affected by the breach?

Equifax has made it very easy for you to check if you or your information has been impacted by this breach by going to their dedicated site, Along with a detailed description of the breach and Equifax’ plan and frequent updates, you can determine the potential impact of your information by clicking on “Potential Impact” at the bottom of the site.

What is the solution to theEquifax Data Breach?

Although a breach, especially at this scale, is a disappointment, we admire how honest, responsible, and proactive Equifax is in regards to its customer’s data security and protection.

How can we prevent such a breach of security in the future, especially from such a trusted company like Equifax or even Target in 2013?

The answer is simple. If Equifax, Target, or other credit card related companies had been using PCI validated P2PE (Point-To-Point Encryption), then your credit card data would not be included in the breach.

Luckily, Arrow Payments has your back! Make the switch to the most secure way of processing credit cards and handling your customer’s data. If your organization is concerned about improving your defense against cyber threats and would like to learn more about securing credit card data with P2PE, then call us

Learn more about the Equifax data breach here

Read a CNN Article about the Equifax data breach here

If you have any questions or concerns about how the Equifax data breach will affect you or your business, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team by emailing [email protected]

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