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Case Studies

Case Studies for University Payment Systems

Discover how we help streamline university payment systems and achieve PCI compliance for our clients.

Simplifying University Payment Systems and PCI Compliance

Shift the burden and complexity of university payment systems — and all your payment processors, merchant systems, and PCI compliance requirements — so your finance team can focus on more strategic initiatives.

Join your peers in simplifying university payment systems and PCI compliance by partnering with us.

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Northwestern University Overhauls Payments & PCI With P2PE

Northwestern sought to modernize its multi-campus, multi-functional institution with a secure and cost-effective electronic payment system without interrupting business processes and addressing individual unit needs.

Find out how NU worked with Arrow Payments to optimize university payment systems.

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Implemented P2PE and installed PCI compliant POS devices

Gained realtime reporting capabilities

Eliminated physical and digital cardholder data

Optimized reconciliation procedures and sunset legacy tech

I have been very impressed with, and thankful for, the commitment and speed with which Arrow Payments has worked to move all of our campus merchants toward compliance with PCI DSS v3.1 while reducing administrative burden in each area.

Richard Emrich

Directory of Treasury, Northwestern University

WMU Streamlines University Payment Systems

Western Michigan University leans on Arrow Payments for expertise and scalable resources to implement point-to-point encryption (P2PE) and identify and install the right P2PE devices or equipment.

Learn more about how WMU leveraged Arrow Payments to achieve P2PE and PCI compliance objectives in a cost-efficient and timely manner.

Read the WMU study

Conducted a holistic assessment of the university payment systems

Identified PCI compliant solutions

Ordered and installed all PCI compliant equipment

Improved donor relations and customer satisfaction

We were struggling to keep track of all merchants. We now have a single vendor, and reporting and tracking is a hundred times better. Also, we no longer have to contact donors and get their credit card numbers again, as the new system stores them for us, and everything is PCI compliant.

Lynda Hunt

Associate Director of Foundation Accounting and Finance, Western Michigan University


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Why PCI Compliance is Critical for Higher Education

Why PCI Compliance is Critical for Higher Education

Digital transactions are ubiquitous, especially on college campuses. As a result, there is an increased focus on the security of payment data. Colleges and universities handle a high volume of transactions, from tuition payments to donations and beyond, making them...

How AI is Changing Social Engineering Threats

How AI is Changing Social Engineering Threats

In the realm of cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can act as a double-edged sword. While it offers groundbreaking solutions to protect digital assets and counter cyber threats, AI's capabilities are also being leveraged to craft more sophisticated social...

New Frontiers: AI-Powered Campus Payments

New Frontiers: AI-Powered Campus Payments

Over the last decade, campus payments in higher education have undergone a significant transformation. The trends have moved from cash and traditional credit card transactions to AI-powered campus payments and other methods. This shift reflects broader trends toward...

Modernize Your University Payment Systems

Stay ahead of payments by partnering with Arrow.

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