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We’re all familiar with loyalty programs. They can be as simple as punch cards to get your 11th coffee free to more sophisticated tiered and value-based programs. But what you may not realize is that there is a place for loyalty programs on college campuses. 

These programs offer a range of benefits to students, staff, and faculty members, and can help build a sense of community and engagement on campus. We’ll look at some of the key benefits of loyalty programs on college campuses. 

Loyalty Programs to Attract and Engage

An education loyalty program helps in attract and engage students through unique rewards. So as institutions look for novel ways to attract top students, launching a loyalty program can be a selling point. In fact, loyalty programs on college campuses have numerous benefits: 

Increased engagement: Loyalty programs on college campuses may encourage student participation in campus activities and events. By offering rewards for attending events or joining clubs, loyalty programs help build a sense of community and encourage students to get involved on campus.

Improved retention: Strong incentives can keep students enrolled and engaged on campus. By offering rewards for achieving academic milestones or participating in campus activities, loyalty programs can help students feel more connected to the campus community and more invested in their education.

Data collection and analysis: Tracking participation and spending patterns allows colleges and universities better understand their students’ needs and preferences. This can be used to tailor campus services and offerings to better meet the needs of students.

School loyalty: As the name implies, these programs can foster school loyalty, helping students feel more connected to the campus community and more loyal to the university. 

Building Loyalty Programs on College Campuses

The sky’s the limit when it comes to a framework around which to build your school’s loyalty program. These programs can be tied into campus dining, eco-friendly initiatives, and even class attendance. Let’s explore some of the possibilities: 

Promote healthy eating – Schools can tie loyalty programs to school dining cards and use them to promote healthy eating. For example, students may earn points for each time they make a purchase from the dining hall. They may also earn extra points for purchasing healthier options. 

Improve class attendance – Institutions can use programs to boost class attendance. For instance, some campuses offer mobile student IDs that can be used to access classrooms. Here, loyalty programs can rewards students with points each time they swipe or scan into their class, workshop, or other campus experience. 

Foster school spirit – Schools may use loyalty programs for a little bump in awareness by rewarding students for sharing school content. For example, students might earn points or rewards for sharing photos of eating, shopping, or participating in other on-campus activities on social media. 

Support the environment – Schools can promote student participation in eco-friendly activities. One way to do this is via loyalty programs that offer rewards for making positive choices. Students may receive bonus points for making on-campus purchases that result in less waste or earn rewards for taking the bus. 

Loyalty programs on college campuses offer a range of benefits. Not only can they increase engagement but they may also improve retention. These programs can also provide valuable data. Colleges and universities can put that data to use to better tailor other payment experiences for students. If you’re interested in seeing how a loyalty program might benefit your university, reach out to us for a free consultation. 


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